10 Reasons A Working Mum Should Feel Proud of Herself

As a mother, you have the world’s toughest, and best job – crazy at each step, yet the most satisfying feeling ever! While becoming a mother takes you to an altogether new phase of life, for many women, holding on to the identity of being a woman, an individual, is important too. And whether you have chosen to be a stay-at-home full-time mom, whether you are working from home, or going out of home to work, when it comes to your little one, only YOU know what’s best!
Of course there are the occasional  moments when we are filled with guilt – on leaving baby behind, on not being able to give as much time to baby as mums who have chosen to be full-time moms do, on not being there to see every little thing that baby does, or using up the hours at home working, rather than playing with little one. And yes, its perfectly normal to sometimes go through these guilt pangs. But MUMS, did you know that there are many more reasons for you to feel proud, rather than feel guilty? Of course there are many many reasons, but here, we share with you the top 10 reasons why you should feel proud on being a working mummy!
1. Multitasker: Managing the home, the baby, kitchen, hubby, family, pets, school projects, vaccination routine, shopping, sleep time, breakfast, PTMs, activity classes, office presentation, client call, house help – do we need say more?????!!!!!!
2. Efficiently manages time: With so much to manage and only those many hours in the day, of course you have no other choice but to manage your time as best as you can! Whether it is getting up earlier than you would prefer and finishing up the chores, or giving up that leisure time to finish that office presentation, when it comes to managing time efficiently, you are quite a juggler!
3. Makes the most of the time spent with baby: While everyone tells you there’s nothing like spending quality time rather than quantity time, who would know this better than you? For all those hours spent on the laptop or in office, you are more than ready to compensate by making sure the hours you spend with baby are the most precious. Play, rhymes, giggles, hugs and all those amazing moments that only a mommy and baby can share – you give it all to your little one.
4. Happy mom makes a happy family: It’s the truth moms – if mommy isn't happy, no one’s happy! So get rid of the guilt and understand that if what you are doing makes you happy, it will only translate to more happiness for your baby and the family. So go on and smile!
5. Understands the details of the meeting as much as understands baby’s sign language: You know what’s important in that office meeting, and you know best what your baby is trying to say with all those signs. With a complete understanding of both the corporate world as well as the mommy world, you’re surely on top in both respects!
6. Building the country’s economy and being financially independent: Not only are you playing a role in the country’s economy, you also get yourself in a position where you are financially independent and have the freedom to save and plan for the future. You can choose to help your partner in managing the family finances, while having the luxury of spending on yourself without feeling guilty or taking away from the family savings.
7. Asset to family and asset to company: There can be no bigger confidence-booster than the fact that you are both an asset to your company as well as to your family.
8. Teaching your child the importance of routine: With so much to manage and plan, you wouldn't be 
able to function properly without a set routine, isn't it? And if you are following one everyday, chances are, your little one will soon understand and appreciate the same too.
9. Your children find another identity for you beside being their mum: Of course you are a mum, and most likely, playing mommy is what you enjoy doing the most. But as your little one sees you play more roles than that of a mum, they will soon understand that as much as mommy will forever be mommy and best friend for them, she has another very special identity too.
10.Helping your child learn the meaning and importance of independence: Just like your baby will pick up habits like following a routine and becoming disciplined, similarly, you are teaching your little one the importance of being independent.

Mums, you may be busy with your work, but if those few hours you spend with your little one are happy and fun, there is no reason for you to feel guilty, especially after the reasons we gave you above. Love yourself for what you do, appreciate and be proud of yourself, and yes, you’ll always be your little one’s best friend too!

Cauliflower Cheese Sticks


¼of a large head of cauliflower “riced
1tsp. olive oil
2cloves garlic, minced
1large egg (white), lightly beaten
½cup mozzarella cheese
½tsp. dried Italian herb seasoning, divided
Marinara Sauce for dipping

Preheat the oven to 350. Line a 9×5” loaf pan (recipe called for loaf pan but I used a lasagna pan) with parchment paper and spray it with cooking spray.
To “rice” the cauliflower, use your cheese grater. When you’re done, you should have about 1.5 cups lightly packed. Place the riced cauliflower into a microwavable bowl and microwave until softened, about 5 minutes depending on your microwave (no need to add any water).
While that is cooking, heat the oil in a small skillet over low heat and add your garlic until softened. When your cauliflower is softened, add the garlic mixture, lightly beaten egg white, Italian seasonings, and 3/4 of the mozzarella. Stir and mix well, then spread onto your prepared pan.
Bake until they start to turn golden brown; about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven, flip the loaf over so the bottom side is now on top and add the remaining cheese and a sprinkle more of the Italian herb seasoning. Bake for another 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and golden.
Cool (until they harden slightly) and cut into pieces and serve hot or warm. Heat up marinara sauce and serve.

Homemade Marinara Sauce

Homemade Marinara Sauce

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Why we love this recipe. Making your own marinara sauce is so simple and to us, tastes much brighter and more fresh than what you can buy at the store. It’s easy to store in the refrigerator or even the freezer, too.
What you need to know. We realize it may seem strange that we ask you to buy whole tomatoes then crush them by hand before adding to the sauce. You could buy crushed tomatoes from the store, but hand crushing the tomatoes adds much more texture and feels more “homemade” to us. Also, we ask that you grate the carrot — this makes sure it is small and will melt into the sauce. The garlic will also melt into the sauce.
Equipment you’ll need. A chef’s knife, boxed grater, large pot, measuring spoons, large bowl and a wooden spoon or spatula.
Created By: 
Serves: 6 cups
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 large onion, finely chopped (about 1 1/4 cups or 180 grams)
  • 1 medium carrot, grated (about 1/2 cup or 60 grams)
  • Two 28-ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes
  • 1 dried bay leaf
  • 20 fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped (optional)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Prepare Sauce
  1. Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium-low heat. Add onions and garlic then cook, stirring occasionally, until softened but not browned – about 8 to 10 minutes.
  2. Add the grated carrots and a pinch of salt then cook another 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until softened.Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-Step-1
Crush and Add Tomatoes
  1. While the vegetables cook, open tomato cans then pour tomatoes with juices into a large bowl. Use you hands or a potato masher to crush the tomatoes until desired sauce consistency.Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-Step-2
  2. Add crushed tomatoes with all juices and bay leaf to pan. Stir sauce then bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a gentle simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 to 30 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Note – if the sauce is too bright or acidic, try adding a pinch of sugar to balance the acidity from the tomatoes).
  3. Remove bay leaf and discard then stir in chopped basil.Homemade-Marinara-Sauce-Step-3
To Store
  1. To store, cool then refrigerate up to one week or freeze up to 6 months.

Guilt-Free Pizza Bites Recipe

These are exciting so get excited! This recipe is literally for everyone. You could eat this recipe every day of the week and still get lean. This seems like a treat but it is a snack or a part of a meal.
These are great for adults, children, entertaining and even to pack for on-the-go quick snacks. These are a new staple in your kitchen!
There is nothing more satisfying than these bite-sized, easy to dip pizza bites.
Enjoy these! Let me know in the comments how much you love them!
This recipe is gluten-free, low-carb, higher in protein, guilt-free, low in fat, high in fiber and the best craving solution ever!

Guilt-Free Pizza Bites (Cauliflower Pizza Bites)

Prep time: 10 Minutes - Cook time: 25-30 Minutes
Yield: Makes 24 Cauliflower Pizza Bites


  • 2 Cups Grated Cauliflower (washed, dried and grated using a food processor or cheese grater by hand until rice-like or thinner – Note – Approximately one head of cauliflower)
  • 1/4 Cup Egg Whites
  • 1 Cup 1% Cottage Cheese (drained)
  • 1 Tsp Oregano
  • 2 Tsp Parsley
  • 1/4 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil (Optional)
  • 1-2 Tbsp Frank’s Hot Sauce (Optional)


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 450 F.(232 C)
  2. Using a healthy cooking oil spray your mini muffin tin.
  3. In a hot frying stir fry the “cauliflower rice” until the cauliflower is slightly translucent (about 6-8 minutes). Place in a bowl and let cool.
  4. Place all other ingredients the food processor and blend until smooth.
  5. In a bowl combine both the “cauliflower rice” and blended ingredients. Mix completely.
  6. Evenly spoon mixture into your muffin tin molds. Press pizza dough down evenly and firmly (*The pressing down firmly is very important to make sure these stick together).
  7. Place in your oven and bake for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Remove the pizza bites from the oven and let set until cool (This is also very important – let these pizza bites set in their pan for 5 – 10 minutes before removing – If you take them out while they are too hot they will break).
  9. Once cool remove from muffin tin (either by tipping them out OR by running a thin knife down along the side and popping them out).
  10. Use organic, natural pizza or pasta sauce for dipping (or make your own sauce- Simple Marinara Sauce link).
  11. Enjoy!

Why Carry Your Baby?

New parents learn quickly that their babies just love to be cuddled in their arms and get very unsettled when they put them down. In the first few months of the baby’s life mums find themselves carrying their babies most of the time. Not surprisingly, many feel it’s impossible to get anything done. More and more parents find that a good baby carrier or sling is the perfect solution for these rewarding but exhausting times. With a calm, happy baby strapped to your chest, you can continue with your life.

The Baby Carrier - Benefits for Babies & Parents:

  • Warmth and security - A sling acts as a "transitional womb" for newborns and provides the warmth and feeling of being surrounded they are used to and require at these initial stages. Regular parental rhythms, such as the heartbeat, breathing and walk, have a balancing effect on the infant's irregular rhythms.

  • Baby Wearing may Reduce infant crying. Many studies show that increased carrying can reduce infant crying, reduce postpartum depression and promote secure attachment.
  • Carrying your baby Helps with breastfeeding. It has been found that carried children also fed more frequently, though not for increased duration.
  • Babies are usually Quiet and Alert while being carried. Research shows that carried babies were quiet and alert for more time each day than the control group of babies.
  • Carrying your baby Enhances your communication with him which results in a less stressed and happier baby. Baby wearing helps parents stay close to baby, which increases the chances of the baby's cues being heard, understood, and receiving an appropriate response.
  • Being carried in a car seat may be dangerous. Many parents who do not use baby carriers or slings tend to carry their young babies in their car seat. This seems easy and comfy at first, since when arriving at your destination you do not have to take your infant out of his car seat - you just unbolt it and go. This practice is not only uncomfortable for the babies - who are forced to sit for long time in an uncomfortable and unnatural position - but also for the parents who carry in one arm the weight of the baby and the seat. In fact, this position is even dangerous. Many newborns (and in particular low birth weight and premature babies) often suffer from lowered blood oxygen levels when restrained in an infant carrier in the early weeks of life. A medical report has concluded: “Because lowering of oxygen saturation values was seen uniformly in all newborn infants, car seats should be used only for travel and travel should be minimized during the first months of life".
  • When you use a baby carrier to carry your baby your hands are free! Baby-carrying holds baby securely, leaving the parents hands free for work and activities. Whether it’s the housework, pushing a shopping cart or going to the office. This can all be done while carrying your baby! This is especially helpful if you have another toddler or child at home. You can easily attend the older child, fetch things and play, while your little one is happily strapped to your chest.
  • Carrying your infant in a good baby carrier is comfortable and not painful. Carrying baby in your arms is painful. Babies love to be carried and  so do toddlers! Carrying your infant (yes, even a newborn) on your arms is painful and may damage your back. Usually, many find that the 'heavy load' back pain experienced during pregnancy diminishes within two weeks after delivery, however general or lower back pain may return as you then begin lifting and carrying your infant on adaily basis. 
  • Baby wearing is fun and rewarding - And last of all, but not least important, baby carrying keeps your baby close at heart. While carrying your baby in a sling, you feel the warmth of his or her little body, their soft skin, their smell, their little movements; you hear their little voice. How can you let such a sweet dear little thing rest by itself in a pram or cot? You just want to cuddle and kiss them all day, don’t you? That’s what you do when you use a baby carrier.

Pigeon Baby Carrier

Pigeon carrier can help mothers to easily hold their baby when they are going out.Easy to carry baby with front or dorsal method. 
  • Lightweight & durable.
  • Breathable Fabrics.
  • Water repellent, Windproof.
  • Suitable for 0 to 9 months baby.

Mothers can carry their baby using front as well as dorsal method. Small and easy to carry. Can be stored easily. A specially designed carrier that can protect baby from injury.
  1.  Small and easy to carry.
  2.  Can be stored easily.
  3.  Easy to Adjust Padded Straps. 
  4.  Breathable Fabrics, Water repellent, Windproof.
  5.  Flexible Fleece Fabric. 
  6.  Suitable for 0 to 9 months baby
New Born Hold
Back Hold
Front Hold
Click Here To Buy Now :)


Other things to consider when your baby's in a carrier:

* Is she hot? Periodically feel her back and tummy for sweat. If she's warm, take her out and let her cool down. 

* Is she happy? Your baby can't tell you if her arm is asleep or whether her hip's 

at an uncomfortable angle. If her limbs are pale or mottled, re-position her. 

* Are you happy? Save your back by reading instructions carefully to make sure the carrier fits and that you're wearing it properly. Your baby's weight should be evenly distributed. 

Best Things About Babies?

Before having a baby or even during pregnancy almost every woman fears the gross disturbing realities that will soon be part of their lives. Sleepless nights, weight gain, continuous loud baby crying, running out of nappies, cleaning up, painful breast feeding, and the list never seems to end. But after giving birth to their very own baby, a miracle happens. Every single thing becomes interesting and cute and love-inducing. Even the gross stuff doesn't seem so gross. They find that the overwhelming love trumped anything that seemed inconvenient in the past.

So what are the top 10 things about babies that make us go "Aaaawwwwww"

  • The feeling of holding a newborn baby, warm and soft in your arms...

  •  The newborn baby smell...

  • They grab onto your hand with their little finger and won't let go...

  • The tiny hands and feet, the tiny toes, the miniscule fingernails...

  • The soft, soft, soft skin and hair...

    • The wonder that there in this bundle is a whole entire person...

    • The feeling of complete peace as they snuggle down and go to sleep on your chest...

    • The Mommy-love that washes over you at the strangest times, you look at them and love them so much you can hardly breathe...

    • The feeling when they cry that strange, tiny cry and you latch them on and suddenly all is right with the world...

    • The way they look deep into your eyes and you know that you are their entire universe and they love you like no one has ever loved you before or ever will again...

    ...The smell, the first kisses, the giggles and excitement, watching them learn something new like how to grab onto something, babies are great.Enjoy every moment with your baby, it passes so quickly...

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